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?Full Movie? Knives Out Watch Online

Knives Out ?Full Movie?





Creator=Rian Johnson

8,5 of 10 Stars

score=286144 Vote


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Can"t say much about the plot without giving away spoilers, but I can say everyone should go right out and see this when it hits theaters. I can"t remember the last time I had so much fun watching a film and enjoying the audiences combined reactions to it. There were so many laughs and gasps and then outright cheers and clapping when the movie was over. It was THAT good! The whole cast was amazing! I mean, why wouldn"t they be, considering what an incredible list of actors there are in this? But really, they all were on top game with their acting. You know you"re going to get great performances when you can see that the actors are genuinely having the time of their life playing their characters. They were just chewing it up and the banter between them was so entertaining to watch. Rian Johnson is an amazing writer and director, there is no doubt about it. I did not want to see the movie end because I was just having a blast and then when it did, I immediately wanted to see it again. For hours after seeing it, I just kept playing parts over in my head and thinking "My God! That was brilliant! With the theaters recently over-dominated with superhero movies, it"s so refreshing to see a classic who-dun-it movie, and one done so perfectly well. I can not say this enough; you MUST see this when it comes out in theaters or you"ll be missing on a great gem of a movie. This is brilliant film-making if I ever saw it.

Awards season is the only time of year I feel like theaters are full of movies for adults, when films focus on mature and serious subject matter. But I like to laugh and have fun at a movie too, and man did I do both at "Knives Out." Rian Johnson embraces the murder mystery genre wholesale and delivers a twisty-turner thriller that"s both wildly entertaining and very funny. A superlative cast, witty screenplay, and brilliantly quirky production design are three of this movie"s standout qualities. Daniel Craig, complete with Southern Gothic accent, and Ana de Armas are the leads, but they"re surrounded by a cast of supporting actors performing at the top of their game. Indeed, if I have any criticism of the film, it"s actually a compliment, and that"s that I wish the supporting players. like Jamie Lee Curtis, Toni Collette, Lakeith Stanfield, and Don Johnson (of all people. were in the film more.
"Knives Out" is mostly just a good time, but it"s also got some serious barbs to throw out at its presumably mostly liberal audience about a certain kind of liberal progressive hypocrisy that rears its ugly head when issues like immigration and economic equality take center stage.
Grade: A.